I was trying to get the info of a one rupee coin of the Nizam's age. As Urdu / Persian is the official language of the Hyderabad Nizams. My first step is to know the numbers of Urdu.
I was successfully able to read the year on the One rupee coin. But to my surprise it was showing as 1338.
How come, the princely state of Hyderabad itself was founded around 1724. After doing a bit of reading i understood about the Islamic years.
The first year was the Islamic year beginning in AD 622 during which the emigration of the Islamic Prophet Muhammad from Mecca to Medina, known as the Hijra, occurred. Each numbered year is designated either H for Hijra or AH for the Latin anno Hegirae (in the year of the Hijra); hence, Muslims typically call their calendar the Hijri calendar.
For more information read this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Islamic_years
There are many online portals where you can convert Hijri calendar to Gregorian calendar. Following is one such portal:
So 1338 AH in Hijira Calendar comes around 1919 AD.
The symbol inside charminar is the Persian alphabet O (Stands for Osman).
Osman Ali Khan Coins

Mahboob Ali Khan

The number '92' which is inscribed on most of the coins of Mir Mahbub Ali Khan is the sum total of the numerical value assigned to each alphabet (as per the Abjad system ) of the word 'Muhammad'... So '92' is a reference to the Prophet Mohammad (M H M D = 40 +8 + 40 + 4 =92)
After searching over internet, i got the following details:
I was successfully able to read the year on the One rupee coin. But to my surprise it was showing as 1338.
How come, the princely state of Hyderabad itself was founded around 1724. After doing a bit of reading i understood about the Islamic years.
The first year was the Islamic year beginning in AD 622 during which the emigration of the Islamic Prophet Muhammad from Mecca to Medina, known as the Hijra, occurred. Each numbered year is designated either H for Hijra or AH for the Latin anno Hegirae (in the year of the Hijra); hence, Muslims typically call their calendar the Hijri calendar.
In Arabic, Hejira (Hijra, Higira) means the “Flight”
The name of the Mohammedan era (A.H= Anno Hegirae) which commenced on July 16, 622 AD (Julian calendar) when Prophet Muhammad ‘fled’ from Mecca, escaping to Medina (both in Saudi Arbia) to persecution from the Koresh tribesmen. Hegira is based on a lunar year; the Hegira is 11 days shorter. As their calendar is reckoned by the lunar year of 354 days, which is about three percent (Precisely 2.98%) shorter than the Christian year, A formula is adopted for convert Hejira year (AH) into Christian year (AD)
Subtract date 3% of the Hegira year and than add 622 to the subtract date, for example:
Aurangzeb’s enthrone date is 1069 AH
Than AD as follows:
AH 1069
Subtract – 32.07 (3% of 1069)
= 1036.93
Add 622.00
Total = 1658.93 Say 1659 AD
For more information read this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Islamic_years
There are many online portals where you can convert Hijri calendar to Gregorian calendar. Following is one such portal:
So 1338 AH in Hijira Calendar comes around 1919 AD.
The symbol inside charminar is the Persian alphabet O (Stands for Osman).
Osman Ali Khan Coins

Mahboob Ali Khan

The number '92' which is inscribed on most of the coins of Mir Mahbub Ali Khan is the sum total of the numerical value assigned to each alphabet (as per the Abjad system ) of the word 'Muhammad'... So '92' is a reference to the Prophet Mohammad (M H M D = 40 +8 + 40 + 4 =92)